Sunday, May 5, 2013


In an effort to cook.  I made re fried beans!  I have enough left over to paint the kitchen.  The job is underway, the sink, the counter tops, stove top and many more cooking utensils than a sane person would, use are all covered with that wonderful oxidized brindle color of cooked pinto bean. 

The beans were great!  I have two large service bags full of beans to be frozen for the next bout of "refryitus".

The beans, with garlic, cumin, salt and onion were pretty good. Don't tell the Mexicans; they will be wanting some too.

Friday, May 3, 2013

And a time for every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (to the general effect that there is an algorithm for churning butter naked in outer space)

Karma is karma. 

Yesterday before I was in the Dr's office I met two men in their 30's at Starbucks.  They called me by name.  It seems that I had represented them both in juvenile court at one time or another.  I went to the Doctor and the receptionist said that I had represented her mother.  I had and she was the subject matter having been something of a problem child years ago.  Nice visit all.  I young man came to the door with a delivery.  He introduced himself and he had an unusual last name.  I asked him if he knew Janice (not her real name).  Janice was his grandmother he told me.  I had worked with her in juvenile court many years ago when she was a caseworker for the state. 
I had come to remember my 13 years in Juvenile Courts as wasted and accounted for by my own spiritual laziness and complacency.  Maybe I did make a difference after all.

Eat shit and die.

At age 65 I am astounded at how little I have come to learn about the human experience.  Right now I am so angry at my friend I'm cross eyed.  I really detest being lied to either by commission or omission.  It seems very mortal of me at my age to be working on where to put bad feelings. At least the dishes are done, the toilet scrubbed and the second load of laundry in the washer. 

Who is the one who watches?

I'm thinking Buddhism is crap too.  Find the oxen, kill the Buddha.... or is it find the Buddha kill the oxen?   If we killed the oxen we could at least have steak. 

I'm reminded that we can trace the mental health of Van Gough through his art.  OK, stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I hate you face book!

I am inspired by these adds that intrude on my Wa as I use this terrible interface. Today's Hot Deal is a "big Savings on Wacoal Seduction bikini panties". "Save big." What could these (persons) possibly be thinking?  I am now a pensioned off senior and while I have arranged a careful budget I am already completely over my seduction bikini pantie budget for May. Why am I wasting my time with this stuff when there are so many other things that I'm so terrible at? What am I to do with retirement? What if, (just think of it!) the Wacoal Seduction bikini pantie became the primary unit of trade in the free world? How much would a car cost? Instead of "what's in your wallet?" we would say "what color are your panties?" 

I just might have too much time on my hands.
I can't be held to the standard of hitting the ground running in this blogging stuff.  I don't know the first thing about it.  Have the page up and we shall see how it goes.  May 1, 2013 is my first day of retirement.  I am not at all sure what I will do with the time that I have traded for the income I will not have.  I have been given a nice send off at the Prosecutor's office but a send off none the less. 

I'm up, I'm dressed, in my retirment uniform, ball cap, T-shirt and, cargo pants; execpt for shoes and socks.  It's a sunny day and will be comfortably warm.  Today will include some sort of travel to the feed seed store for garden bits and bobs.  My fiddles need to be played, the kitchen is a mess and the patio needs an over haul so that I may live on it with banjo, friends, dog and fiddle.  My sidekick and companion "Biker" a PitRotLador wants to know what we are going to do today.  Well it is Wednesday my normal criminal docket day during my working life, Walburgus Nacht is over.   I will 1.) put on my shoes; and 2.) take out the garbage.  It's Gar-bauge day and I can hear Trash Tringle down the street rattling the cans as much as 110 gallon plastic tubs can rattle. I would hate to miss the festivities what come with my weekely holiday.
Ok, so maybe that's not the same Trash Tringle I saw down town.  He has many helpers though. "here I come a wassalling among the trash so green... ."