Random and Symbolic Un-Victories
In 2012, November, I bought a bic. It was at the stop and pee. The usual bic lighter. I needed a fire in the upstairs fireplace and had not a match in the house. It had a flag motif of Red White and Blue. I have had it ever since. This is unusual for me because I lose such things in the Hansel and Gretel trail of my belongings which I leave wherever I may be.
Sometime later I bought a red bic. This is because I knew I would lose the red white and blue one. I week ago a friend came over and left a blue bic. I was bic rich!
The Patriot lighter gave out but I was so proud I had it for more than a year keeping it in it's special place! I took up the blue one. That's when I discovered that Jerry didn't leave the blue lighter, he abandoned it knowing it was out of fuel. So it was on to the red one.
I seem to have lost the red one.
I am beginning to realize how much details with no significance have to people who are idle.
Maybe I will buy an adjustable Bic this time.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
I heart you all!
How about that pretender at the Mandela service pretending to sign! Talk about big huge salty South African balls! There was an earlier story about the appalling lack of security at the event and then some fool gets up on the podium and waives his hands about in what may have been American Sign a request for an unsecured loan or an attempt to order the antipasto in Italian. Worse yet, when the citizens of South Africa booed their president, the mime didn't put that in either. A big "L" to the forehead! I'm sure they know who they are. At the very least we could have loaned them some of our Airport Breast Milk Police.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
What did I say?
Two weeks ago I had both an upper and a lower GI done at Dr. Sitti's house of gastro-something-ology. During this procedure a team from the north was to travel through my body in a southern direction to meet explorers from the south headed northward where they would drive the golden spike and have a photo op (or something).
I was given a substance which caused me to become very unfocused but not unconscious. I remember seeing lots of pink on the nifty portable TV screen the doctor had there. I don't know if it was "up pink" or "down pink" but I'm pretty sure it was "my pink." I thought that I would remember being penetrated at some time given that a mobile news crew was going live on location inside of me.
My first issue is that I wanted to remember it so I could hold on to the drama. Now I'm merely another hapless victim who got so messed up they didn't remember what happened. I know there was compressed gas involved!
My second issue is that my chauffeur informed me after the procedure that I kept the clinic staff laughing loudly for 43 minutes some 16 minutes longer than my usual routine. I have enough issues that I could have said any number of things like "Kiss me Doc." I might have told them about the time we took that runaway down to Ray's Shell and traded her for an oil job. There is a lot of running room between small talk and privilege. I wonder where my skid marks are?
I wonder, I wonder I wonder; but I really don't want to know.
Two weeks ago I had both an upper and a lower GI done at Dr. Sitti's house of gastro-something-ology. During this procedure a team from the north was to travel through my body in a southern direction to meet explorers from the south headed northward where they would drive the golden spike and have a photo op (or something).
I was given a substance which caused me to become very unfocused but not unconscious. I remember seeing lots of pink on the nifty portable TV screen the doctor had there. I don't know if it was "up pink" or "down pink" but I'm pretty sure it was "my pink." I thought that I would remember being penetrated at some time given that a mobile news crew was going live on location inside of me.
My first issue is that I wanted to remember it so I could hold on to the drama. Now I'm merely another hapless victim who got so messed up they didn't remember what happened. I know there was compressed gas involved!
My second issue is that my chauffeur informed me after the procedure that I kept the clinic staff laughing loudly for 43 minutes some 16 minutes longer than my usual routine. I have enough issues that I could have said any number of things like "Kiss me Doc." I might have told them about the time we took that runaway down to Ray's Shell and traded her for an oil job. There is a lot of running room between small talk and privilege. I wonder where my skid marks are?
I wonder, I wonder I wonder; but I really don't want to know.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Still Saturday
Since retirement my motto is "Every day is Saturday" This has caused me to have to undertake a new naming scheme for the days of the week. Today is Saturday so it is "Sat-Sat"; yesterday was Fri-Sat - you get the drift.
The other day I was going to my friends house when it struck me that I was still retired. I hadn't been in touch with that for a while and it made me giddy. Today is a trip to a friends house where I shall play three or four fiddle tunes and where I shall have Kraut Rouladen; cabbage rolls stuffed with good stuff.
Fiddling if coming. I am playing out from time to time. There is a jam this afternoon at the Burbank Grange. I'm headed for dinner so will miss that. Still I am playing some nights at Washington Old Time Fiddlers (WOTFA) and the jams at Round Table Pizza in Richland and Pasco. I'm presently working on "Devil's Dream" and "Liberty" and playing them with "Ash Grove", "Amazing Grace" and "Ashokan Farewell"
I have been trying to clean up my home office by throwing out 15 years of neglect. So far the plan is a simple one; On Garbauge-Day have my 128 Gallon status can at the curb full of offerings for Trash Tringle. Presently my home is like one of those puzzles where you shove the little numbers around in the frame to get them in order; I have to plan an escape route for every piece of stuff I throw out. If I am to arrange some papers I have to create a spot for them to go before I can do the arranging. So far the office is one-third picked up and I have made a shrine for my cigar humidor. I have thrown out seven crates of an estate I worked on, and personal records back into the 1990's. I have stuff in the office that I have been stepping over for more than a year; it all needs to go.
At least my collection of fiddle music is in one pile and I have my three hole punch located along with my notebook so my music might actually go in one folder. (I'm not too optimistic as prior attempts have resulted in several books which are badly organized and, at this time fugitive.
My border who was to pay rent or preform labor left under the cover of darkness leaving small appliances, food and clothing. He paid no rent, he preformed no labor having laid around downstairs for weeks at a time. His name is Jeff Dollins; he claims to be a contractor. I have witnessed his work ethic and should you be approached by him for anything he is best avoided because he is worthless and does not keep his word.
In any case, I have my basement back and will retake the man cave for the Winter. I need a new TV for down there and I'm set. Just need a bigger TV.
A time for every purpose under heaven.
Attempts at repotting "Heather" the African Violet was a disaster. This plant was abandoned by Heather Zaboter, now Kinsley, when she left the prosecutor's office some years ago. No one claimed it so I took her home, potted her and kept her in a south facing window. The plant bloomed constantly for those six years. Today was the day for repotting her into a big glazed ceramic pot I got at the garden store. Things didn't go well. The plant had a high crown and a zigzag root stem resembling a palm tree forced into a zigzag back on it's self. There wasn't much for a root ball after I got it out of the pot which had a inward taper at the top (like an amphora). I made a mess and had was trying to do this over the kitchen sink which was phenomenally stupid. I now have a clogged sink. I have been under the sink and have removed the trap after having drained the sink into buckets, pots, pans and other things. Unfortunately the clog is deeper than the trap which is now clear.

So I cut her up into 12 starts. I had the root tone, peat pots and some potting mix and a fixture for starting plants so why not? I had done this before and had gotten plants I called "Happy Leaf" The leaf would just sit in the pot and be happy and grow. I went on YouTube and found an explanation of how to do it. I haven't done anything to the plants yet in the picture but I cut about half of the leaf away at the tip. The woman explained that the plant would then make new plants from the cut at the bottom. There was a second video by the same woman which showed how to remove the new plants from the mother stem. I didn't know that you needed to do that either, I just knew that when I let them be that I got two and sometimes two or three crowns. I now understand these are new plants.
I'm not really patient so maybe I shouldn't be messing with plants at all. We will see what we will see. In the meantime I guess I will just try to unplug the sink and look for rotor rooter or whatever and place a call.
I have been in the process of cleaning up the office. There is 15 years of neglect in this room. The latest effort has been very simple. Fill the garbage can all the way to the top each week for Trash Tringle to take on Wednesday. Two terrible gut wrenching cases are gone. A third is still in here and needs to be sorted and removed. All in all I have cleaned out two closets swept and swept and swept and swept. The room now has horizontal surfaces but is still covered with dust in places. I sort of like being in the room again so it has once again begun to collect clutter. Turns out it's a pretty good chair to play fiddle out of so I may get a wall hanger and put a fiddle in here. I'm sick of cleaning and the rest of the house is a horrific pit. This room was full of a lot of unpleasant memories. The practice of law can be a very lonely and sad experience since courts are almost never involved un less something has broken, the law, an agreement, a relationship, an understanding, the peace; you get the drift.
The process would not be so demoralizing except that every room of the house is the same way. My life has been filled with trash. Well, I'm tired, I am taking one more look at the kitchen then giving up. I will wash the dishes in the stopped up sink and rinse them in the bathroom. SCREW!
Attempts at repotting "Heather" the African Violet was a disaster. This plant was abandoned by Heather Zaboter, now Kinsley, when she left the prosecutor's office some years ago. No one claimed it so I took her home, potted her and kept her in a south facing window. The plant bloomed constantly for those six years. Today was the day for repotting her into a big glazed ceramic pot I got at the garden store. Things didn't go well. The plant had a high crown and a zigzag root stem resembling a palm tree forced into a zigzag back on it's self. There wasn't much for a root ball after I got it out of the pot which had a inward taper at the top (like an amphora). I made a mess and had was trying to do this over the kitchen sink which was phenomenally stupid. I now have a clogged sink. I have been under the sink and have removed the trap after having drained the sink into buckets, pots, pans and other things. Unfortunately the clog is deeper than the trap which is now clear.

So I cut her up into 12 starts. I had the root tone, peat pots and some potting mix and a fixture for starting plants so why not? I had done this before and had gotten plants I called "Happy Leaf" The leaf would just sit in the pot and be happy and grow. I went on YouTube and found an explanation of how to do it. I haven't done anything to the plants yet in the picture but I cut about half of the leaf away at the tip. The woman explained that the plant would then make new plants from the cut at the bottom. There was a second video by the same woman which showed how to remove the new plants from the mother stem. I didn't know that you needed to do that either, I just knew that when I let them be that I got two and sometimes two or three crowns. I now understand these are new plants.
I'm not really patient so maybe I shouldn't be messing with plants at all. We will see what we will see. In the meantime I guess I will just try to unplug the sink and look for rotor rooter or whatever and place a call.
I have been in the process of cleaning up the office. There is 15 years of neglect in this room. The latest effort has been very simple. Fill the garbage can all the way to the top each week for Trash Tringle to take on Wednesday. Two terrible gut wrenching cases are gone. A third is still in here and needs to be sorted and removed. All in all I have cleaned out two closets swept and swept and swept and swept. The room now has horizontal surfaces but is still covered with dust in places. I sort of like being in the room again so it has once again begun to collect clutter. Turns out it's a pretty good chair to play fiddle out of so I may get a wall hanger and put a fiddle in here. I'm sick of cleaning and the rest of the house is a horrific pit. This room was full of a lot of unpleasant memories. The practice of law can be a very lonely and sad experience since courts are almost never involved un less something has broken, the law, an agreement, a relationship, an understanding, the peace; you get the drift.
The process would not be so demoralizing except that every room of the house is the same way. My life has been filled with trash. Well, I'm tired, I am taking one more look at the kitchen then giving up. I will wash the dishes in the stopped up sink and rinse them in the bathroom. SCREW!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
In an effort to cook. I made re fried beans! I have enough left over to paint the kitchen. The job is underway, the sink, the counter tops, stove top and many more cooking utensils than a sane person would, use are all covered with that wonderful oxidized brindle color of cooked pinto bean.
The beans were great! I have two large service bags full of beans to be frozen for the next bout of "refryitus".
The beans, with garlic, cumin, salt and onion were pretty good. Don't tell the Mexicans; they will be wanting some too.
In an effort to cook. I made re fried beans! I have enough left over to paint the kitchen. The job is underway, the sink, the counter tops, stove top and many more cooking utensils than a sane person would, use are all covered with that wonderful oxidized brindle color of cooked pinto bean.
The beans were great! I have two large service bags full of beans to be frozen for the next bout of "refryitus".
The beans, with garlic, cumin, salt and onion were pretty good. Don't tell the Mexicans; they will be wanting some too.
Friday, May 3, 2013
And a time for every purpose under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (to the general effect that there is an algorithm for churning butter naked in outer space)
Karma is karma.
Yesterday before I was in the Dr's office I met two men in their 30's at Starbucks. They called me by name. It seems that I had represented them both in juvenile court at one time or another. I went to the Doctor and the receptionist said that I had represented her mother. I had and she was the subject matter having been something of a problem child years ago. Nice visit all. I young man came to the door with a delivery. He introduced himself and he had an unusual last name. I asked him if he knew Janice (not her real name). Janice was his grandmother he told me. I had worked with her in juvenile court many years ago when she was a caseworker for the state.
I had come to remember my 13 years in Juvenile Courts as wasted and accounted for by my own spiritual laziness and complacency. Maybe I did make a difference after all.
Eat shit and die.
At age 65 I am astounded at how little I have come to learn about the human experience. Right now I am so angry at my friend I'm cross eyed. I really detest being lied to either by commission or omission. It seems very mortal of me at my age to be working on where to put bad feelings. At least the dishes are done, the toilet scrubbed and the second load of laundry in the washer.
Who is the one who watches?
I'm thinking Buddhism is crap too. Find the oxen, kill the Buddha.... or is it find the Buddha kill the oxen? If we killed the oxen we could at least have steak.
I'm reminded that we can trace the mental health of Van Gough through his art. OK, stay tuned.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (to the general effect that there is an algorithm for churning butter naked in outer space)
Karma is karma.
Yesterday before I was in the Dr's office I met two men in their 30's at Starbucks. They called me by name. It seems that I had represented them both in juvenile court at one time or another. I went to the Doctor and the receptionist said that I had represented her mother. I had and she was the subject matter having been something of a problem child years ago. Nice visit all. I young man came to the door with a delivery. He introduced himself and he had an unusual last name. I asked him if he knew Janice (not her real name). Janice was his grandmother he told me. I had worked with her in juvenile court many years ago when she was a caseworker for the state.
I had come to remember my 13 years in Juvenile Courts as wasted and accounted for by my own spiritual laziness and complacency. Maybe I did make a difference after all.
Eat shit and die.
At age 65 I am astounded at how little I have come to learn about the human experience. Right now I am so angry at my friend I'm cross eyed. I really detest being lied to either by commission or omission. It seems very mortal of me at my age to be working on where to put bad feelings. At least the dishes are done, the toilet scrubbed and the second load of laundry in the washer.
Who is the one who watches?
I'm thinking Buddhism is crap too. Find the oxen, kill the Buddha.... or is it find the Buddha kill the oxen? If we killed the oxen we could at least have steak.
I'm reminded that we can trace the mental health of Van Gough through his art. OK, stay tuned.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
I hate you face book!
I am inspired by these adds that intrude on my Wa as I use this terrible interface. Today's Hot Deal is a "big Savings on Wacoal Seduction bikini panties". "Save big." What could these (persons) possibly be thinking? I am now a pensioned off senior and while I have arranged a careful budget I am already completely over my seduction bikini pantie budget for May. Why am I wasting my time with this stuff when there are so many other things that I'm so terrible at? What am I to do with retirement? What if, (just think of it!) the Wacoal Seduction bikini pantie became the primary unit of trade in the free world? How much would a car cost? Instead of "what's in your wallet?" we would say "what color are your panties?"
I just might have too much time on my hands.
I am inspired by these adds that intrude on my Wa as I use this terrible interface. Today's Hot Deal is a "big Savings on Wacoal Seduction bikini panties". "Save big." What could these (persons) possibly be thinking? I am now a pensioned off senior and while I have arranged a careful budget I am already completely over my seduction bikini pantie budget for May. Why am I wasting my time with this stuff when there are so many other things that I'm so terrible at? What am I to do with retirement? What if, (just think of it!) the Wacoal Seduction bikini pantie became the primary unit of trade in the free world? How much would a car cost? Instead of "what's in your wallet?" we would say "what color are your panties?"
I just might have too much time on my hands.
I can't be held to the standard of hitting the ground running in this blogging stuff. I don't know the first thing about it. Have the page up and we shall see how it goes. May 1, 2013 is my first day of retirement. I am not at all sure what I will do with the time that I have traded for the income I will not have. I have been given a nice send off at the Prosecutor's office but a send off none the less.
I'm up, I'm dressed, in my retirment uniform, ball cap, T-shirt and, cargo pants; execpt for shoes and socks. It's a sunny day and will be comfortably warm. Today will include some sort of travel to the feed seed store for garden bits and bobs. My fiddles need to be played, the kitchen is a mess and the patio needs an over haul so that I may live on it with banjo, friends, dog and fiddle. My sidekick and companion "Biker" a PitRotLador wants to know what we are going to do today. Well it is Wednesday my normal criminal docket day during my working life, Walburgus Nacht is over. I will 1.) put on my shoes; and 2.) take out the garbage. It's Gar-bauge day and I can hear Trash Tringle down the street rattling the cans as much as 110 gallon plastic tubs can rattle. I would hate to miss the festivities what come with my weekely holiday.
I'm up, I'm dressed, in my retirment uniform, ball cap, T-shirt and, cargo pants; execpt for shoes and socks. It's a sunny day and will be comfortably warm. Today will include some sort of travel to the feed seed store for garden bits and bobs. My fiddles need to be played, the kitchen is a mess and the patio needs an over haul so that I may live on it with banjo, friends, dog and fiddle. My sidekick and companion "Biker" a PitRotLador wants to know what we are going to do today. Well it is Wednesday my normal criminal docket day during my working life, Walburgus Nacht is over. I will 1.) put on my shoes; and 2.) take out the garbage. It's Gar-bauge day and I can hear Trash Tringle down the street rattling the cans as much as 110 gallon plastic tubs can rattle. I would hate to miss the festivities what come with my weekely holiday.
Ok, so maybe that's not the same Trash Tringle I saw down town. He has many helpers though. "here I come a wassalling among the trash so green... ."
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